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Toronto Officially Has More Millennials Than Boomers In The City For The First Time Ever

Next stop: worldwide domination.

An aerial view of downtown Toronto.

An aerial view of downtown Toronto.

Toronto Associate Editor

Okay, boomers: there are officially more millennials living in Toronto than there are of you, so consider yourselves outnumbered.

According to the latest census data from Statistics Canada, this is the very first-time millennials beat out the number of baby boomers living in the 6ix.

In Toronto and five of Canada's largest cities where over a million people live, millennials make up 23.3% of the population, which is a one percent leg up over baby boomers living in these areas.

"These findings are due in part to the strong economic vitality of large urban centres and the contribution of immigration, which is concentrated in these areas and tends to boost the number of millennials," the April 27 report reads.

Outside of the 6ix, however, baby boomers can still lord over what it was like back in their day since they make up almost a quarter of Ontario's total population while millennials make up 21.7%.

Gen Z is even more outnumbered, as they make up 18.5%, and Generation Alpha — or anyone 8 years old and younger — even less and counting for not even a tenth of the province's population.

According to the census, millennials (a.k.a. those between 25 and 40 years old, in case you were wondering) are the fastest-growing generation across the country, having jumped up over 8.6% between 2016 and 2021.

This is because more millennials immigrated to the country, Statistics Canada said, despite the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on immigration lately.

By 2029, the feds predict that millennials will be the largest generation in all of Canada. So, it'll be just a short seven years until millennials take over the country. (Kidding.)

This article's cover image was used for illustrative purposes only.

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