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Toronto Is Getting Canada's First Michelin Guide & Here's What You Need To Know

The guide will come out this fall!

John Tory at Michelin announcement. Right: Plate of food.

John Tory at Michelin announcement. Right: Plate of food.

Senior Writer

Calling all foodies! Toronto is getting Canada's first-ever Michelin Guide and it will feature a variety of restaurants across the 6ix.

In a press conference on Tuesday, Michelin and Destination Toronto made the announcement, stating that the full guide will be released in the fall of 2022.

Currently, Michelin inspectors are already visiting local spots throughout the city and will continue to do so over the next few months as they put together the guide.

The guide will award Michelin stars (either one, two or three) to a selection of restaurants and will rate them based on the quality of products, flavours, cooking techniques, the personality of the chef and consistency between each visit.

On top of this, they also offer a Bib Gourmand rating for restaurants that have great food at a good price. Some spots could also be awarded the Michelin Green Star if they are "involved in sustainable gastronomy."

"For the first time in its history, the MICHELIN Guide lands in Canada, and our inspectors are excited to experience the impressive culinary landscape of Toronto," said Gwendal Poullennec, international director of the Michelin Guides.

"This first selection for Canada's largest city, and our first in the country, will represent the local flavours, international inspiration, and distinct creativity that makes Toronto's dining scene world-class."

"This is an exciting moment for our city as Toronto will become the first MICHELIN Guide destination in Canada," said Mayor John Tory. "This further bolsters our reputation as a world destination for food and cuisine."

The Michelin Guide has been around for decades and is currently in spots worldwide, including in Singapore, Poland and the United States.

This article's right-hand cover image was used for illustrative purposes only.

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